Giftedness testing In White Bear Lake, MN


Although giftedness can be defined in many different ways, generally speaking, gifted individuals are able to perform in one or more areas at a substantially higher level compared to their peers. In school, gifted children may find themselves being bored with the academic content and they may feel isolated and unable to relate to their peers. It is a common misconception that gifted students will naturally do well in school. If an academic setting is not meeting a gifted student’s needs, they may become frustrated, lose motivation, and experience significant academic, social, emotional, and behavioral concerns as a result. Additionally, giftedness is not always even across all areas and sometimes a child who demonstrates very strong abilities in some areas is expected to perform equally well in all areas. In fact, being gifted does not mean that the individual cannot also have a learning or behavioral disorder. Those who are gifted and also have a disorder such as dyslexia, ADHD, or autism are commonly referred to as twice exceptional (2e).


Gifted individuals tend to stand out from their peers. They are diverse and express their giftedness in different ways. They may exhibit all of the characteristics listed below, only a few, or their giftedness may present itself in a completely unique way. Common signs of giftedness can include:

  • Intense curiosity and enthusiasm about unique interests

  • Quick to learn new things

  • Strong and elaborate imagination

  • Sensitivity to others and emotional depth

  • Strong memory

  • Creative problem solving

  • Ability to comprehend academic material above their grade level.


What Happens During A Giftedness Evaluation?

Step 1: Intake (1 to 2 hours)

We will meet virtually so I can learn background information and current concerns. There is nothing you need to do to prepare for the intake, just come as you are! I will use the information from the intake session to develop an individualized testing plan.

Step 2: Testing (3 to 5 hours)

An in-person testing appointment will occur about 1 week after the intake. Your child will engage in a variety of tasks to help me learn more specific information about them. The testing appointment is sometimes broken into multiple days.

Step 3: Feedback (1 to 2 hours)

The feedback appointment occurs about 2 weeks after the testing appointment. You will have a copy of the evaluation report and I will go over the results of the testing, including any potential diagnosis, discuss specific recommendations and next steps, and answer any questions you have. You will leave this appointment with clarity and confidence about what do to next.